We all have that one Crazy Cat Mom friend whose lifestyle encompasses everything cat. Be it a cat themed tee, a cat themed mug or even cat themed cushion covers. Here is a list of options to keep in mind while gift shopping for her.
1. We are sure she loves that cup of tea/coffee in the morning, make it purrfect with a cat themed mug

2. Cats are articulate in every aspect, so is your crazy cat mom friend. Get her a cat themed notebook, to write & doodle in.

3. Encourage her sense of fashion with a cat themed tee.

4.She loves to accessorize purrfectly with jewelry that screams CAT

5. Cats love to keep themselves mentally active. While an activity may sound good, put a feline spin to it & make it a cat themed activity.

6. That plush cushion that marks her favorite spot to read can use a feline touch. Keep an eye out for cat print cushion covers.