Cat Stories — My Cat Story
Con-cat-enating Love

Ashwinee Mehta It was in my childhood that I witnessed one of the most beautiful experiences of my life- the birth of 6 kittens! I only wished I had a camera to capture the beautiful post-birth moment of mother & her children. This episode triggered within me, a deep curiosity and an inclination towards Cats. Having grown up as a single child, there was always this deficiency of a companion. I was 'banned' to have a cat as a pet in my own house. I would always find houses with cats or pets really lively & interesting and I would make it a...
Schoggi - The Cat Who Started It All

Vinda Dravid We all grow up possibly being a little wary of Cats, if not afraid. Their weather like unpredictability, their lithe and nimble bodies, always ready to pounce, those sharp claws hidden beneath innocent fur, all of which makes us a little cautious about befriending the Feline species. It is only when one has been properly introduced to a Cat, not unlike a Butler announcing the arrival of a Lord, making those assembled, aware of the said Lord's many qualifications & qualities, can one lose their guard. It could be a parent, a brave friend or a significant other who seems to...