Cat Stories — Gopika George
Why do cats love milk when it's so bad for them?

Whether it's the endless Tom and Jerry episodes we grew up watching or the common sight of someone welcoming a feline house guest with a bowl of milk, these depictions have led many of us to believe that cats have an insatiable love for milk. However, the truth about cats and milk is far more nuanced than all these charming stories would have us believe. Cats do in fact love milk but it really isn't the best for them, and on the contrary can be pretty bad for their health. Their affinity for milk likely originates from their natural instincts...
Avoiding Disaster: Common Houseplants Harmful to Your Cats

If you happen to fall in the little overlapping section of the Venn diagram where cat owners and plant parents come together, then this one's for you. Cats are undoubtedly one of the most curious little creatures out there and no amount of you trying to keep them away from trouble could actually guarantee they're safe. So, what do you do when one of your beloved children poses a danger to the other? This is precisely the sort of situation none of us wish to find ourselves in. Hence, it becomes crucial for us to acknowledge that not all plants...