Things Cat Parents Should Know
Tips For Travelling With Your Cat
Travelling with your Cat can be a stressful experience for both the cat & the parent. If your cat is sensitive, has an anxious temperament or is prone to illness, it is preferable to leave her at home with a trusted caretaker. If you decide to take your cat along, then here are some precautions & tips:
What are Some Cat Friendly Indoor Plants?

As a cat parent, be careful when selecting your indoor plants. Cats love to chew on plants to aid digestion. While some plants like lemongrass, wheatgrass & catnip are safe in small quantities, certain plants are toxic to cats and can cause renal failure, respiratory issues & skin conditions. Here is a list of cat friendly plants for your home:
How To Take Care Of Your Cat - Basics For Beginners

The love you experience from a cat is surreal. Having said that, it's also important to keep a few pointers in mind with regards to caring for them. Here are a few pointers to help you on your journey 1. Give cats space to explore & adjust to their surroundings. 2. Set up a cozy corner with the food & water bowls in sight. Do not force them to cuddle in their initial days. They will come to you when they feel comfortable 3. Avoid loud noises & a chaotic environment. They prefer calm & quiet places. 4....
8 Things Every Cat Parent Needs

As cat parents, we want the world for our felines. However, us cat moms & dads do have a list of essentials that are needed on the daily. Here are some of them 1. It all begins with the right attitude while dealing with a feline whose IQ & energy surpasses a hoomans. eg- 3am zoomies 2. If you're a cat owner who lives an an apartment, be sure to cat proof those windows. PS - It keeps the birds away 3. Be sure to invest in a sustainable litter tray While a plastic trays need a chnage after a year, a eco...